HR pena - srednje tvrdoće Profilisana Sky cell pena Memory pena Prednavlaka Tricover Skidajuća navlaka sa rajferšlus zatvaračem:Buhani platno Koflin 480g/m2 Retex 17g/m2A material that was devised in the laboratories of NASA in order to provide maximum comfort and protection during space flights. The special features of memory foam allow it to...
Profilisana HR pena - povećane tvrdoće/li> Profilisana HR pena - srednje tvrdoće Profilisana Memory pena Prednavlaka Tricover Skidajuća navlaka sa rajsferšlus zatvaračem: Silver protection platno Koflin 480 g/m2 Retex 17 g/m2A material that was devised in the laboratories of NASA in order to provide maximum comfort and protection during space...
Sky cell pena Sky cell , visoko elastična pena Prednavlaka Tricover Skidajuća navlaka sa rajferšlus zatvaračem: Stretch platno 100% poliester, 170g/m2 Koflin 150 g/m2 Spanbond 15 g/m2Using unique technological solutions from BAYER we have produced a range of open-cell polyurethane foams – SKY CELL. It allows fresh air to continually circulate through...
Profilisana Sky cell pena Memory pena Prednavlaka Tricover Skidajuća navlaka sa rajferšlus zatvaračem: Stretch platno 100% poliester, 170g/m2 Koflin 400 g/m2 Spanbond 15 g/m2A material that was devised in the laboratories of NASA in order to provide maximum comfort and protection during space flights. The special features of memory foam allow it to...
Sky cell pena Neskidajuća navlaka: Cvilih platno 70,9% poliester, 29,1% polipropilen Piling 1 cm Koflin 150 g/m2 Spanbond 15 g/m2Using unique technological solutions from BAYER we have produced a range of open-cell polyurethane foams – SKY CELL. It allows fresh air to continually circulate through the foam. Fumes do not collect in the foam, and...